How To Get Super Saiyan God In Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2

How To Get Super Saiyan God In Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2. Super saiyan god goku is a fully separate character with his own roster slot in the character select screen. Saiyan warriors in dragon ball xenoverse 2 have finally been gifted with the ability to achieve the super saiyan god super saiyan form.

Really hoping this can be unlocked with any race like blue and evolution can, otherwise i have a lot of grinding to do. With the legendary packs readily available and more dlcs on the way, some players may want to revisit their adventure in dragon ball. You will get these extra quests from vegeta.
After You're Done With The Shenron Wish There's Some Requirements Involved, You Have To Max Out Five Friendship In Order To Actually Get The Transformation After The Wish Is Made Once You Have Done That You're Gonna Go To Orange Star High School At The Top And Talk To Beerus, Once You Talk To Beerus He'll Give You The Super Saiyan God Awoken Skill
Super saiyan god (male) and super saiyan god (female) for cacs have now been added to the game. Make sure you complete all the steps in between the way. Considering you have to do a wish that's i want to be a super saiyan god i'm getting the feeling that being a saiyan might be a requirement.
There Do Not Appear To Be Any Level Requirements.
For the original super saiyan god super saiyan, you need to have 5 bars of ki to transform and once there, your ki will drain fairly quickly. How to unlock super saiyan god transformation in dragon ball xenoverse 2. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device.
To Obtain This Character, You Do The Pq Where You Fight Him Several Times In A Row.
However, it will take some elbow grease to get this transformation. To unlock the super saiyan transformation for your custom character you need to be a member of the saiyan race. You must raise your friendship with goku, vegeta, gohan and videl, gotenks, and pan.
Your Last Object Is To Attack Lv 90.
It is also possible for the saiyan cac to acquire super saiyan god as their first super saiyan form, as the wish to start gaining the form can be performed at any level, and it is possible to complete the mentor quests and maxing of their friendship before gaining super saiyan from goku and vegeta and gain the form while using a cac of a different race. Unfortunately no other races can become super saiyan, but there are advantages to the other races in the game. When you are in super saiyan you get bonuses to super attacks and certain moves will change.
There Might Be A Difference In Power For Ssg Depending On Your Saiyan Cac's Gender As I Recieved A Male Variant Of That Form, But I Haven't Created A Female Saiyan Cac To Test This 2.
Only normal attacks appear to get a damage boost while in this form, supers and ultimates seem to deal out the same amount of damage as you would deal in your base state Videos you watch may be added to the tv's watch history and. How to obtain super saiyan god.